Bien faire et bien être au Mexique : bouleversements des temporalités étudiante et enseignante et contraintes institutionnelles
Student time and academic time revolve around teaching and, to a lesser extent, research processes. Their management depends on the conditionsof the institutions and public policies concerning the teaching profession and the student condition. In this text, with reference to Mexico, we willanalyze how the policies for the reshaping of the higher education system, quality assurance (in particular, the evaluation of staff and learners)and individual or institutional financing based on results, carried out for more than three decades, as well as hyper-bureaucratization and arecent concern for equity have modified them, creating discomforts often denied by the focused groups.
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ACADEMIA | eISSN: 2241-1402 | Higher Education Policy Network
Pasithee | Library & Information Center | University of Patras