Le CIVD comme exemple de dispositif d’intervention/insertion sociale (full text in French)
The problem of integrating students into the university institution, which is rarely considered by the institutions themselves, has become all the more real since we’re now facing globalization and the increasing mobility of students. Success in university studies and lower drop out and failure rates are closely connected to the way the student finds his/her place in which he/she learns in order to learn his « job » as a student. At the heart of this research, we find the Project Based-Learning ‘Dispositif” : intervention/insertion (PBLD :i/i) which comes right in line with the social educational methods of Freire and Freinet and the social constructivist theories of learning of Vygotsky and Bruner. In other words, our conception of education sees it as a process of emancipation of socially situated individuals, this being the reason why parallel structures have been designed in Paris 8 in order to give rise, on the part of students, to a permanent questioning of the world, their position in it and their commitment to it. In the text, the main focus is on one structure created there, the Centre Interculturel Vincennes à Saint-Denis (CIVD).
Legitimate Speech; Social Intervention/Insertion; Project Based Learning; Intercultural Dispositif; University
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/aca.81
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