A methodological tool for approaching the didactic transposition of the natural sciences in kindergarten school: the case of the “states and properties of matter” in two Greek curricula



The natural sciences teaching objects that are included in curricula do not constitute simplifications of scientific knowledge, but arise as the result of certain “didactic transpositions” that constitute objects of research. In this article we present an approach to Greek kindergarten curricula texts, which was attempted through qualitative text analysis and aimed to define the official teaching proposals regarding the “States and Properties of Matter”. The specific teaching object was selected among others as a discipline representative example. We describe the process of text analysis, the categories that emerged, as well as the possibilities of data interpretation offered by the use of a data presentation table, in conjunction with the aims of the study.


Didactic transposition, kindergarten curriculum, qualitative text analysis

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/rev.137

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