L’organisation des curricula d’éducation technologique dans différents pays européens : approche comparative et impact du point de vue du genre
Girls are moving to technology education and careers less than boys. This paper attempts to summarize the inputs provided on the question of the relationship between gender and curric-ulum and gender-class practices within the European project UPADTE (Understanding and Providing a Developmental Approach to Technology Education). It focuses on two aspects: a description of the organization and content prescribed for different levels in different countries (Austria, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Romania, Slovakia, Scotland, Spain) and a description of what emerges from the most significant elements contained in the case studies proposed to promote the development of education technology which encourages girls.
Technology education, curriculum, gender
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/rev.139
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Re S M ICT E | ISSN: 1792-3999 (electronic), 1791-261X (print) | Laboratory of Didactics of Sciences, Mathematics and ICT, Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education - University of Patras.
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