Analyse des difficultés des élèves marocains de 15-16 ans en résolution de problèmes de mécanique (mouvement et repos, interactions mécaniques et forces, poids et masse)
This paper studies the difficulties encountered by Moroccan pupils (15-16 years) of six classes of the third collegial year in solving problems of mechanic (movement and rest, mechanical interactions and forces, weight and mass). The analysis of the pupils’ written productions is made in terms of successful, failed and untreated tasks that required pupils to mobilize declarative or procedural knowledge. The majority of pupils encountered difficulties to reach the autonomous step in the production process of procedural knowledge. But, it is abnormal that these pupils carried out with success tasks requiring the mobilization of procedural knowledge better than those involving declarative knowledge. Then, the organization of tasks on the development of pupils’ knowledge did not have the same impact envisaged by the approach of the hierarchy prevalence of problems from the simple to the complex.
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