“Content and Language Integrated Learning” (CLIL) teaching in science: a didactic analysis of a case study



Our article deals with a didactic analysis of the teaching of a non-linguistic subject, physics and chemistry, in English, wuthin the framework of CLIL programs. We describe, from the case study of a science teacher, the articulation between scientific knowledge and language knowledge. From the analysis of video extracts of a lesson about Rutherford's experiment, we produce a description of the asynchronous advance of the different contents at stake. We propose at the end of the article recommendations for the training of teachers who teach in CLIL programs.


Science, English, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), Joint Action Theory in Didactics (JATD), documentational approach of didactics

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/rev.2890

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