Enseignement-apprentissage du concept "force" et persistance des difficultés : Quelle influence mathématique?



The persistence of difficulties caused by misconceptions under - underlying the concept force identified in the learner, is not caused only from his misconceptions, but also, sometimes and especially strengthened by the mathematical approach based on a reduction of the mechanical questions to vector geometry problems, during the transposition of learned knowledge to teach and taught knowledge. In this context, the worst here is that the didactic act instead of conveying knowledge built, generates erroneous conceptions. We show in this paper, with examples to support that language tools (the definition of force, symbolization, selected physical situations, and application’s exercises) involved in the theory of content knowledge to teach are reduced in order to adapt to this mathematical model. Therefore, errors of transmission of force deplored in learner by didacticians are being taught in textbooks of physics. As a result, the persistence of errors in learner is than evident


Concept force, didactic transposition, mathematical approach, students’ difficulties misconceptions

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/rev.1757

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Re S M ICT E | ISSN: 1792-3999 (electronic), 1791-261X (print) | Laboratory of Didactics of Sciences, Mathematics and ICT, Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education - University of Patras.

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