A study of preschool children’s motive orientation during science activities



The results presented here are part of a two-year longitudinal study with two main objectives: 1) designing subject-specific science activities that provide experience of chemical phenomena and support positive emotions of science and 2) exploring preschool children’s emergent science. Science was introduced into the preschool setting in the form of conceptual play. Data was collected using visual-ethnography and analysed inductively to explore the dynamics of children’s development of motive orientation over a year of science activities. Results show the significance of the social environment for developing motives and influencing leading motives. The discussion highlights the necessity of considering both cognitive and emotional aspects within preschool science activities in order to be able to create positive cultural motives for science.


Motive, preschool, science

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/rev.3346

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