Middle School girls’ self-efficacy and motivation toward Mathematics before and after attending an all-girls summer Mathematics camp
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of a five-day summer residential mathematics and technology program on the mathematics motivation and self-efficacy of 210 middle-grades girls who participated in this female-only event. Entrance measures and gain scores were examined for the study sample as a whole and for demographic groups formed by race/ethnicity, family socioeconomic status, and grade level. The results show that this program favorably influenced participants’ short-term self-efficacy and motivation for learning mathematics. Overall, significant increases appeared in self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, and extrinsic motivation from program beginning to end. Self-efficacy showed the strongest improvements, followed by intrinsic motivation, and finally extrinsic motivation. Some differences appeared among demographic subgroups.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/rev.4165
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