A systematic review of Self-Directed Learning: empirical evidence from STEM teaching and learning



Amid the burgeoning interest in self-directed learning (SDL) and its implications, particularly in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics teaching and learning (STEM-TL), our systematic review meticulously examined 50 articles. Extracting data from the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases spanning the recent five years, the review canvassed a diverse set of parameters encompassing study characteristics, methodological approaches, underlying learning theories, strategic pedagogies, technological integrations, perceptible impacts, encountered challenges, and potential research trajectories concerning SDL within STEM-TL. The accumulated evidence testifies to SDL's multifaceted application within STEM-TL, underpinning its salience in equipping students with quintessential 21st-century competencies. Notably, while a vast swathe of the literature accentuates the positive outcomes of SDL, a limited subset critically evaluates potential pitfalls, encompassing premature SDL induction, potential erosion of student ethics, unchecked technological advancement, and the ambiguity of prospective educational landscapes. This review, therefore, serves as a synthesized repository, offering invaluable insights to inform and shape pedagogical frameworks and curricula in STEM-TL for educators, institutional policymakers, and other stakeholders.


Self-directed learning (SDL), STEM teaching and learning (STEM-TL) systematic literature review

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/rev.4501

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