Concept of the Earth’s shape in 10 – 15 years old students



The study used a forced-choice test (EARTH-2 test) that was presented to children (N=890) during the Covid-19 pandemic in the form of an online (web-based) survey. It was found that the use of a test adapted to an online survey led to fewer indications of near-scientific answers than when a paper-and-pencil test was used. Every third respondent (38%) inconsistently indicated a spherical Earth when explaining the location of people, trees, clouds, the movement of people and objects, and explained the phenomenon of day and night. In contrast, one in four 15-year-old students surveyed (27%) failed to indicate all the correct answers to the questions in the test.


Shape of the Earth, location of people, day-and-night phenomenon, EARHT-2 test, students

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