On blurring the boundaries between mathematics and the real world



This article explores the complex relationship between mathematics and real-world contexts, a pivotal focus in mathematics education. Using a narrative review methodology, I critically examine five approaches, contributing to blurring the boundaries between abstract mathematics and practical applications: word problems, mathematical modelling, the history of mathematics, sociopolitical approaches, and interdisciplinary approaches. Each approach is analysed for its potential to enhance engagement, foster critical thinking, and promote inclusivity while addressing challenges such as teacher preparedness, curricular constraints, and assessment practices. Commonalities across these approaches highlight their collective ability to contextualise mathematics, making it more relevant and dynamic for learners. The discussion emphasises the transformative potential of integrating real-world contexts into mathematics education. The article concludes with practical recommendations for teachers, policymakers, and researchers, encouraging pedagogies that help learners apply mathematical knowledge and understanding to address real-world challenges.


Mathematics, real-word connections, boundaries, blurring

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